Monday, August 18, 2014

House Plant Trouble Shooting

 ~Browning of leaf tips and or dry air, drafts, improper watering, uneven soil moisture, excessive fluoride in water... move plant increase humidity, correct watering, check drainage, scratch top of soil.

~Leaves all turn yellow... over watering, root rot, too much light... reduce water, check drainage or repot, reduce light or move plant.

~Lower leaves turn yellow...pot-bound, old age, lack of nitrogen... re-pot, remove yellow leaves, fertilize.

~Yellowing of Leaves...especially new grown... waterlogged soil, lack of acidity...correct watering. check drainage water with iron sulfate solution.

~Colored leaves turn green... too little light... move plant or add light.

~Brown or silvery spots on leaves... sun scalded or fertilizer burn... provide shade or keep fertilizer off leaves. 

~Brown or yellow dead spots in leaves... Ringspot virus... Take clippings and get rid of infected plant.

Don't forget to  check back for Part 2 of trouble shooting house plants!