Friday, May 8, 2015

Bromeliad Care

Since we are selling Bromeliads for Mother's Day, we decided to give a crash course in Bromeliad Care! Enjoy...

Bromeliads are native to tropical regions so unless you live in an area like Florida, it is best to keep your Bromeliad indoors. They love warm, wet, shady areas.

They like humidity at 60%. There are 4 ways to increase humidity.
1. Mist with a spray bottle.
2. Humidity Tray: You can get any dish large enough and fill with rocks. Then fill 80% with water and set under or near your Bromeliad to increase humidity in its general area.
3. Transpiration: If you put several other plants in the same vicinity as your Bromeliad, transpiration will occur naturally raising humidity.
4. Humidifier: If you put your Bromeliad near a humidifier or diffuser, it will help your Bromeliad.

They will get root rot quickly if over watered. So your Bromeliad should have a good draining pot. Soak in water for five minutes then let drain completely. Do not water again till the top 2 inches of soil is completely dry. The plant can handle under watering, but not over watering. Also, you should use distilled or rain water. The best way to water your Bromeliad is by pouring water down trunk as it contains a water reservoir.

Potting and Media
For dry climates: it is better to choose a plastic container which will hold the moisture longer.
For Humid Climates, you should choose a non-glazed clay type of pot so that the Bromeliad dries out quicker and prevents root-rot. When using this type of container, put a drip saucer or pad under to prevent damage to your furniture. I suggest again putting pebbles in bottom of saucer to ensure the roots are not exposed to drainage water: causing root-rot.

Bright INDIRECT sunlight is best.

Check back for how to harvest Bromeliad Pups!